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Curriculum Vitae:


Yang Ke£¨Ñî¿Ë£©, a contemporary Chinese representative poet of the Third Generation and the Folk Writing Position, is the author of 11 collections of Chinese poems, 4 collections of essays and a book of collected works. His representative poetry collections include Poems Of Yang Ke, Relevant and Irrelevant, I Spoke Out the Shape of the Wind, etc. His poems have appeared in 400 poetry anthologies including the Chinese New-vernacular Literature Collection, the Centenary of Chinese New Poetry, etc. His poems have been translated into various foreign languages including English, Japanese and Spanish, etc., and he has published several poetry collections in foreign languages in the U.S.A, Japan and Spain, etc. He is also the editor-in-chief of multiple poetry anthologies including China New Poem Almanac, Selected Poems of ¡®They¡¯of the Last Decade,a Hundred New Poems for Children, etc. He is the recipient of numerous national literature awards and foreign poetry awards, including Xu Zhimo Poetry Award of University of Cambridge UK, Outstanding Poet Award of Romanian Publishing House, Lu Xun Art Award of Guangdong, First Biennial Award for Best Ten Poets,etc. He ever held poetry & calligraphy individual exhibitions in Shenzhen Art Gallery,etc. Yang is a member of the presidium of the Chinese Writers Association, a vice-president of Chinese Poetry Society, and the proprieter of¡®Works¡¯literary journal. He is also the judge of the top Chinese Literature Award--Mao Dun Literature Award and the deputy director of the juries of Lu Xun Literature Award ( Poetry Award ).



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