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时间:2016-03-20 09:28:11  作者:  来源:  
导读:     川沙文学简介 1生平 川沙(英文:Chuan Sha,1952年 7月 12日-),加拿大华裔,当代诗人、小说家及剧作家。 出生於中国四川省重庆市,本名尹向泽 (罗马拼音:Yin Xiangze)),祖籍山东,父母均为政府官员,川沙在初中一年级时遇上中国发生的文化大革..




川沙(英文:Chuan Sha1952 7 12-),加拿大华裔,当代诗人、小说家及剧作家。 出生於中国四川省重庆市,本名尹向泽 (罗马拼音:Yin Xiangze)),祖籍山东父母均为政府官员川沙在初中一年级时遇上中国发生的文化大革命运动,之后经历了知青下乡及工厂当工人的生活。1980年毕业于四川大学物理系,先后在一家科研所和出版社工作。1991年旅居英国1999年移民加拿大,先后在两家出版社及三家报社担任主编。 


1970年代末期,川沙在四川大学物理系念书期间开始小说及诗歌创作。1985年,作为出版社长篇小说编辑的川沙,开始 系统地进行文学创作,那一段时间,他创作了一些诗歌和超现实主义短篇小说。他坚持创作,并在国内开会及组稿过程中,广泛接触中国文学界人士。之后,1991年至1996年,川沙旅居英国及法国期间,因为妻子吴宏在英国敦迪大学化学系攻读博士学位,便也和英国几所大学联系,试图攻读研究生学位,并曾经先后得到英国阿伯丁大学(University of Aberdeen物理科學院(College of Physical Sciences 及雷丁大学University of Reading人文和社會科學系(Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science博士及副博士学位学习机会。但还是因为沉溺於文学创作,放弃了继续深造的机会。在英国期间,川沙接触到英国诗人及演员肖恩·休格(Sean Hugher1965 11 10-2017 10 16)、诗人及剧作家莱姆·西赛(Lemn Sissay 1967 5 21-)、诗人W. N.赫伯特(W N Herbert 1961-),两次布克奖获得者小说家希拉里.曼特尔(Hilery Mantel 1952 7 6-)、小说家及剧作家简·罗杰斯(Jane Rogers1952 7 21-)他十分珍惜自幼喜爱和仰慕的英法文学经典作家真实生活和创作的国度,感觉得自己在这片欧罗巴自由的土地上,经过自己的努力,定会得到西方文学先辈们的真传。川沙沉溺和痴迷於和东方文化迥异的西方文化里,追寻自少年时代阅读的西方经典文学大师们的足迹,在法国,早年伏尔泰、卢梭、狄德罗、拉封丹、巴尔扎克、雨果毕加索、布雷东  海明威、莫泊桑、左拉、萨特和波伏娃等文化艺术界名流经常光顾的一些咖啡店如巴黎的普罗可布咖啡馆(Le Procope狡兔咖啡Le lapin agile),塞纳河畔左岸咖啡(法语:Café en Seine一带的双偶咖啡Les Deux Magots)、咖啡 café de Flore) 地牢墓穴le caveau des oubliettes”)、 巴尔扎克酒馆以及海盗咖啡馆等。英国伦敦的蒙茅斯咖啡馆Monmouth Café)、阿尔及利亚咖啡店(Algerian coffee stores 等,都是他常去的地方 他经常有意在英国伦敦和法国巴黎的咖啡馆里进行创作,品味和感受他心目中那些西方经典作家的人文环境,以笔记、日记、草稿、摄影图片及视频等形式,搜集西方文学素材并进行文学创作。1999年移民加拿大之后,川沙于2001年在中国作家出版社出版了他的第一本诗选集《拖着影子的人群》,2004年在台湾商务印书馆出版了他的第一部长篇小说《阳光》,该小说的序言及推荐序由国际文学界四名最著名作家担任,他们分别是英国的赵毅衡、中国的白桦、莫言及美国的哈金。长篇小说《阳光》因其内容颠覆性的观点引起文学界高度重视,中国文学评论家陈晓明及李咏吟等发表文章进行分析评论。《阳光》为中国第一部以长篇小说形式正面直露地推崇多元中心论或多维主义论,从而颠覆、解构、批判和否定了千年中国大一统封建家长制文化单一中心论或单一主义论。 2006在中国广西师范大学出版社出版了第二本诗选集《春夜集》。2007年, 美国W.W.诺顿出版社11出版的诗选集《新世纪的语言——当代东方世界之声》将川沙的诗歌选入。这部700余页的诗选集由诺贝尔文学奖得主纳丁·戈迪默(Nadine Gordimer和普利策奖得主优素福·科穆尼亚卡(Yusef  Komunyakaa 作序,其中收录了南亚、东亚、中东和中亚诗人以及这些地区和国家移居海外诗人作品。 12 三年后的2010年,由浙江大学中文系教授、浙江大学古典学与早期基督教研究所所长李咏吟主编,李志雄、范昀及胡孝根三位文学博士任副主编,河北教育出版社出版的《川沙诗歌精品欣赏13中,李咏吟在序言中写道:在国际诗坛,特别是北美诗歌界,川沙的时越来越受到重视。2008年,作为加拿大唯一的华裔诗人,川沙与中国最重要的18位优秀诗人(北岛、杨炼、舒婷、顾诚、多多、翟咏明、郑单衣、孟浪、西川、于坚等)一道,被列选美国偌顿出版社出版的全球优秀诗人的诗选集《新世纪的语言》。”在英语维基百科“新世纪的语言”(Language for a New Century



        之后,川沙持续不断地出版各种体裁的文学作品至今。其中,2012年在中国花山文艺出版社分上下集出版的92万字的长篇《蓝花旗袍》,这部小说受到莫言、哈金、虹影及李咏吟评介和推荐16,以及2019年由加拿大西安大略出版社分上下集出版的85万字的长篇《无根世代》,显示了川沙在长篇小说上的文学创作实力,并奠定了川沙在世界范围内华语文学界的地位。同时,这期间,川沙在中国大陆《诗刊》、《花城》、《长篇小说选刊》、作家出版社、 花山文艺出版社、台湾《创世纪》诗刊及加拿大报刊杂志上发表诗歌及小说 1999年移民加拿大至今川沙在加拿大三家报纸和两家出版社担任主编, 为加拿大华语诗人协会会长,加拿大大雅文化国际(Da Ya Culture International Inc.)副董事长及总裁、加拿大国际大雅风文学奖委员会(The eva luation Committee of the  International Da Ya Feng Prize for Literature)共同主席及学术评审委员会执行主席。加拿大北美太平洋文艺国际联盟(NAPAGL: North American Pacific Art Global League )执行主席, 加拿大安大略省华文教育协会(Ontario Society for Chinese Education)顾问、加拿大中加国际电影节(CCIFF Canada China International Film Festival)剧本评审委员会国际组组长


    3 创作年表 


诗选集《拖着影子的人群》(中国 作家出版社,2001ISBN7-5063-2212-9/I.2196


诗歌作品入选美国偌顿出版社《新世纪的语言》诗选集(Language for a New Centure, an anthology called Contemporary Voices of the Eastern World: An Anthology of  Poems to be published by W.W Norton in 2007ISBN978-0-393-33238-4(pbk)

诗歌作品入选加拿大加韩21世纪文学论坛出版社VARIETY CROSSING8卷(VARIETY CROSSING-8th volumepublished by Korean-Canadian Literary Forum-21 Press ISSN 1706-9026,ISBN O-9689561-9-X

A Selection of Poems By Chuan Sha (英文诗选集《川沙诗选集》,Bestview Scholars Publishing,2019 ISBN,978-1-896848-17-4)

诗选集《海洋集》 (中文简体版,The OceansWestern Ontario Press Inc.Canada,  2019ISBN 978-1-988641-19-5

诗选集《爱叶集》(Love Leaves Western Ontario Press Inc.Canada,  2020 ISBN 978-1-988641-27-0) 




 《银夜叉》(中文简体版,A Silver YakshaWestern Ontario Press Inc.Canada,  2019ISBN978-1-988641-18-8




 《蓝花旗袍》(上下集,中国花山文艺出版社,2012 ISBN978-7-5511-0348-0

 《无根世代》(上下集,Western Ontario Press Inc.Canada,  2019 ISBN978-1-988641-14-0

   小说作品入选《当代加拿大华裔作家作品赏析》(中国漓江出版社、加拿大丽文出版社联合出版 2017ISBN978-7-5407-8068-5


中文简体版 Western Ontario Press Inc.Canada,  2020 ISBN  978-1-988641-28-7


 《不列颠的距离》  中文简体版,The Distance from BritainWestern Ontario Press Inc.Canada,  2019 ISBN 978-1-988641-20-1

 《提灯笼的哲人》(中文简体版,The Philosopher Who Carries the Lantern Western Ontario Press Inc.Canada,  2020 ISBN 978-1-988641-25-6) 


 原著及编剧的三幕十场大型诗歌舞剧《裙歌》三次公演。第一次:多伦多大学O.I.S.E剧院(2004 9 11);第二次:多伦多市政府图书馆剧院(York Woods Public Library Theater2005 3 9);第三次:加拿大国家电视台演播厅剧场(Canada National TV2013 8 30 17】【18】【19

原著及编剧的五幕十一场大型歌舞诗剧《合欢》 2008111日在加拿大何伯钊剧院公演20-24

根据其长篇小说《阳光》改编的二幕八场同名大型舞剧于201510月在加拿大国家电视台(Canada National TV)剧场公演25-28


An Era of Materialism and Lyrics(中英对照诗论著作:《物主义时代隔海抒情诗观》,Bestview Scholars Publishing, Canada,2019 ISBN978-1-896848-19-8)

《物主义时代诗(中文简体版,Poetics in an Era of Materialism Western Ontario Press Inc.Canada,  2020 ISBN 978-1-988641-23-2)

《诗人艺术构成 》(中文简体版,A Poet’s Artistic Composition Western Ontario Press Inc.Canada,  2020ISBN 978-1-988641-24-9)



 《掌权者》(上下集,合译及序言,新闻体非虚构长篇小说,The Power That Be By David Halberstam 四川文艺出版社 19883月第一版,1991年第二版。ISBN 978-7-541101-71-7

 《媒介与权势——谁掌管美国》(上下集,合译及后记,新闻体长篇非虚构小说,The Power That Be  By David Halberstam 国际文化出版公司 2006年。ISBN



《川沙诗歌精品欣赏》(英汉对照诗歌赏析集,主编:李咏吟 副主编:李志雄 范昀 胡孝根, 中国河北教育出版社,20108ISBN978-7-5434-7720-9) 


     4 创作风格


          认为诗歌是分泌出来的诗人出身的小说家川沙,在他的小说创作中,总是在托尔斯泰式推土机踏踏实实大面积叙述中, 偶尔会按耐不住超现实地升华出一些诗性浓郁的幻觉场景和神话以及梦幻人物,例如《阳光》结尾处那颗手榴弹在河水里炸飞起来变化成银色蝴蝶,再幻化为文字的鱼儿;《蓝花旗袍》里,时不时会出现的在月明星稀夜空中那只追撵着男主角金焱撕心裂肺悲怆哭泣的他美丽生母幻化的大鸟;《无根世代》结尾章节在黎明时分阳光下,海市蜃楼般出现在太平洋上的远古商代漂泊到墨西哥的中国人的幽灵舰队,以及几乎同时在海洋上空出现孔子带着三千弟子,和在十二门徒的簇拥下的耶稣,双方在太平洋上空相遇的对中国文化和西方文化未来和平美好寓言式的场景等等。


     5 部分小说评论: 





“川沙是谦谦君子,但在小说创作中却野心勃勃。这部《阳光》,就是明证。他试图用小说探索中国人的信仰问题,试图用小说解构历史并重新建设历史。于是,历史和哲学就交织在一起,波澜壮阔和柔情万种就融会于一炉,过去的痛苦与未来的焦虑就并存于文本之中。 一本书本不应该承担这么多,但偏偏承担了这么多,这也是我推荐这本书的重要理由。”32




     《阳光》是一部雄心勃勃的小说。它力图通过一个爱情故事来描述中国人精神上的创伤和衰落,从而走向文学固有的领域--人的心灵。 自八十年代以来,中国大陆文坛充满了写肉体和写古人的作品,使文学失去了分量,使作家无足轻重。从这个意义上说,《阳光》是积极入世之作。川沙的文笔富有激情,浪漫多彩,为读者展示了血腥而又绚烂的世界。







     《阳光》是一部大小说,川沙以四十万字的篇幅进行激情书写, 从艺术性上说,这部作品写得相当成功。其一,四十万字的大篇幅,没有给人压迫感和空洞感,相当不易,作者的叙述与转换相当流畅,情节有张有弛,紧张有力。其二,作者将诗与叙事自由贯通,叙述句式皆富有激情,充满感染力。其三,在细节想象和细节描绘方面显示出相当的艺术功力,达到了极其特别的抒情效果。例如,白桦极其赞赏的呼呼作响即将爆炸的手榴弹,在梦中,在叙述中具有特别的象征韵味。(《阳光》第4-11页。)其四,象征与神秘的意象构造,使小说叙述具有深刻的思想意蕴。”37   


      “川沙是一位极其严格认真的小说家。《蓝花旗袍》以其宏大的视角,展示了主人公在历史与当下、中国与英国的巨大时空背景下的情感与记忆。他不仅关注主人公的历史与现实命运,而且以其细致而质朴的笔触描绘了心灵的隐秘。执著于特殊时代的记忆,追问生命的无奈与偶然,显示内在而坚韧的生存意志,这就是《蓝花旗袍》的力量。” 38】                   






 A brief introduction of Chuan Sha’s Literary Career

                Updated 2023


Chuan Sha is a Chinese-Canadian, contemporary poet, novelist and playwright. Chuan Sha once worked as an editor in publishing houses and newspapers. He was born in Chongqing, Sichuan Province, China. His real name is Xiang-ze Yin. His parents are both government officials. Chuan Sha encountered the Cultural Revolution in China when he was in the first grade of junior high school. After that, he experienced the life of an educated youth going to the countryside and working as a factory worker. Graduated from Sichuan University in 1980, and then worked in a publishing house as a literary editor and literary creation. He lived in the UK in 1991 and immigrated to Canada in 1999. He has served as editor-in-chief of two publishing houses and three newspapers. Chuan Sha's literary creation period spans from 1978 to the present, and his literary genres include poetry, short stories, novels, stage scripts, essays, and literary criticism articles. Before publishing the 850,000-word volume " Rootless  Era" in 2019, he published the 400,000-word novel "Sunshine" in the Taiwan Commercial Press in 2004. In 2012, his 920,000-word novel " The Lady in the Blue-Flowered Mandarin Gown " was published by China Huashan Literature and Art Publishing House.  The two novels "Sunshine" and " The Lady in the Blue-Flowered Mandarin Gown " were highly commented and praised by Chinese writers Bai Hua and Mo Yan, American writer Ha Jin, British writer Zhao Yiheng, Hong Ying, etc. They also wrote prefaces to these two novels. . Chuan Sha also published  many short stories  . Some of his stage plays have been performed in Canada many times.  

   Rootless Era is a coming-of-age novel about Chinese students and immigrants in North America, Canada and the United States at the beginning of the 21st century. It describes how the protagonist strives to understand and integrate into the embrace of the world in the life and love of immigrants who are separated from life and death. The author lived in the UK in 1991 and immigrated to Canada in 1999. He has lived as an immigrant for nearly 30 years and has been engaged in novel creation for a long time. He has unique, in-depth and solid experience in life practice and literary creation. Starting from Canada, the author reveals the dark and difficult side of life for international students and immigrants around the world. The novel describes overseas immigrants and study abroad life with more than 800,000 words. It is the largest gray book to date that describes overseas immigrants in a purely literary way.


Chuan Sha's major publications

The Shadowy Crowds (Poetry)
China's Writers Printing House, 2001


The Sojourners (Short Stories, Co-authored)
Taiwan Buffalo Publishing House, 2004


The Sunlight (Novel)
Taiwan Commercial Press, Ltd., 2004


Spring Night (Poetry, with English version)
Guangxi Normal University Press, 2006


The Lady in the Blue-Flowered Mandarin Gown (Novel)
Hua Shan Literature and Arts Press, 2012


Language for a New Century: Contemporary Poetry from the Middle East, Asia, and Beyond (Selected into the collection)
W. W. Norton & Company, U.S.A. 2007


Variety Crossing Vol. 8 (Selected into the collection)
Korean-Canadian Literary Forum-21 Press, 2006


Song of the Skirts (Script of 3-Act, 10-Scene Verse drama  )

 Three Public performances in O.I.S.E. Theatre, University of Toronto, 2004 York Woods Public Library Theatre, 2005 and Canada National TV Studio2013.


Happy Union  (Script of 4-Act, 19-Scene Verse   )
Public performance given in the P.C. Ho Theatre on November 1, 2008.  


The Sunlight (2-Act Dance Drama, based on the novel with the same name)

Public performance given in Canada National TV Studio, September 2015


Appreciation: Selected Poems by Chuan Sha (Critic Reviews)

Chief Compiler: Li Yongyin, Assistant Compilers:  Li Zhixiong, Fan Yun, and Hu Xiaogen 

Hebei Education Press, 2010


Rootless Era(Novel)

Western Ontario Press Inc.Canada,  2019


A Selection of Poems By Chuan Sha (Poetry)

Bestview Scholars Publishing,Canada,2019


Avant-garde Boys(Long poem )

Bestview Scholars Publishing, Canada,2019


An Era of Materialism and Lyrics(Poetic theory)

Bestview Scholars Publishing, Canada,2019)


  Creative Style 

 The poet-turned-novelist Chuan Sha believes that poetry is secreted. In his novel creation, he always uses Tolstoy's bulldozer-like steadfast and large-scale narrative. Occasionally, he can't help but sublimate some surrealistic things. Poetic hallucination scenes, myths and dreamy characters, such as the grenade at the end of "Sunshine" that exploded in the river and turned into a silver butterfly, and then turned into a fish with words; in "The Lady in the Blue-Flowered Mandarin Gown ", they appear from time to time In the starry night sky, the big bird chases the male protagonist Jin Yan, who is heartbreakingly crying and his beautiful biological mother has transformed into an illusion; in the final chapter of " Rootless Era ", under the sun at dawn, it appears like a mirage on the Pacific Ocean. The "ghost fleet" of the Chinese that drifted to Mexico in the ancient Shang Dynasty, and Confucius who appeared over the ocean almost at the same time with three thousand disciples, and Jesus surrounded by the twelve disciples, the two sides met over the Pacific Ocean and had a profound impact on China. Culture and Western culture, beautiful allegorical scenes of future peace and so on.

 In the narrative of Chuan Sha's novels, seemingly ordinary scenery and psychological descriptions often imply montage-style foils and revelations. Metasets, symbols, magic, stream of consciousness, the intersection of time and space in modernist literature, the language philosophy of Bakhtin and Wittgenstein, etc., seem to have a deeper texture in Chuan Sha's thinking. His training in laser physics at the university gave him a deep understanding of the world of quantum physics and the logic of Einstein's theory of relativity, which is different from the inevitability, regularity and certainty of the traditional Newtonian mechanics of the universe, but rather non-determinism, probability and contingency. Therefore, in the plot narrative of his novels, there is often a polyphonic progression, accompanied by the intersection of multiple times and spaces. In the relationship between characters, conscious and subconscious expressions appear alternately, reality and dreams, memories and fantasies occur at the same time. It may seem vague, brittle, scattered, and unreasonable, but it actually has a rigorous internal logic. This kind of novel narrative is particularly prominent in Chuan Sha's early poems and short stories. However, when entering the novels, the narrative becomes more traditional. Basically, it follows the classic Russian novel techniques of the 19th century, but in the core of the story, However, it uses quite modernist techniques and internal logic to construct a kinetic energy that touches and inspires readers' hearts or subconsciousness, thereby sublimating the story and fable from the perspective of moral conscience.


   Some novel reviews 

From Chuan Sha's novels, we can see that the problem of spiritual home will always be a problem, and more and more Chinese people will realize it. Moreover, every Chinese who looks back seriously will understand that so many "Foolish behavior and cruel behavior" are not accidental, but what Chuan Sha wrote so convincingly in the novel is due to the lack of spiritual pursuit. Then, denying modernity in general does not solve the problem. The most important thing is to obtain a spiritual dimension. In Chuansha's view, the souls of the Chinese people need to be thoroughly cleansed, even if they do not pursue "modernization" and even if they are in a foreign country. So is it possible for Chinese souls to be redeemed? Chuan Sha's novel raises such questions but does not answer them clearly. Excellent works of art are meant to ask questions rather than prescribe. When we hide ourselves and ask ourselves, the novel has brought us to the state of enlightenment. 30             

Yi-heng Zhao: Professor, writer, poet, and literary critic at the Institute of Oriental Studies, University of London, UK  


"I haven't read a novel that made me feel so heavy in a long time. The pictures of blood and fire in the novel brought me back to the nightmare nearly forty years ago (perhaps many Chinese people think that the nightmare has awakened) , I think not.), forcing me to rethink many fundamental issues of our country and nation. Although I have been thinking about it, and I paid a heavy price for this thinking. ... Chuan Sha's novel made What shocked me was not only his delicate reproduction of past scenes and souls, but also the revelation of the burden on the souls of these characters. The protagonist of the novel, Qin Tian, only lives in another country, in another country that loves him but does not have the same experience as him. Only in front of the traditional and open-minded Chinese woman who is approaching to examine him can we see ourselves clearly. I found that many classic novels can use various specific description techniques (realism, surrealism, stream of consciousness...) , but it does not prevent it from being an incisive fable as a whole and a long poem at the same time. For example: "The True Story of Ah Q" by Mr. Lu Xun, "The Story of Hulan River" by Xiao Hong, " The Tin Drum" by Günter Grass , Marcos's "One Hundred Years of Solitude"... etc. The novel "Sunshine" is also a fable, a fable with profound meaning.31


Bai Hua: Chinese writer, poet, screenwriter


 "Chuan Sha is a modest gentleman, but he is ambitious in his novel creation. This "Sunshine" is proof of this. He tried to use novels to explore the belief issues of the Chinese people, and tried to use novels to deconstruct history and reconstruct history. Therefore, history and philosophy They are intertwined, the magnificence and tenderness are blended into one, the pain of the past and the anxiety of the future coexist in the text. A book should not bear so much, but it does bear so much, which is why I Important reasons to recommend this book.”[32]

Mo Yan: Chinese writer

 , author of The Red Sorghum. He won the 2005 International Nonino Prize in Italy. In 2012, Mo was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for his work as a writer "who with hallucinatory realism merges folk tales, history and the contemporary"     


  "This is another full-length novel by Chuan Sha. The style is simple and sincere, and is very close to readers. The story spans Asia and Europe from the late Qing Dynasty to the early Republic of China. It includes the love tragedy of the male protagonist Jin Yan and a female soldier during the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. The march diary and the plot of the Kuomintang general Cai Kewu being shot and killed by the Red Army all describe the human side in the cold politics and cruel war. The novel describes the fate of three generations, including the youngest generation of the three brothers of the Jin family and their classmates. It is the fate of Fa Xiaofan, Bukharin and others, which is the epitome of the typical characters of our contemporaries that " The Lady in the Blue-Flowered Mandarin Gown " focuses on." 


 Mo Yan: Chinese writer        


Sunshine is an ambitious novel. It attempts to describe the spiritual trauma and decline of the Chinese people through a love story, thereby moving towards the inherent field of literature - the human soul. Since the 1980s, the literary world in mainland China has been filled with works about the flesh and the ancients, making literature lose its weight and making writers insignificant. In this sense, "Sunshine" is a work that actively engages with the world. Chuan Sha's writing style is passionate, romantic and colorful, showing readers a bloody and gorgeous world. 

   Ha Jin: American writer, poet, member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

 author of Waiting, Crazed, and War Trash .Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award (1997)Guggenheim Fellowship (1999)National Book Award (1999)PEN/Faulkner Award (2000)Asian Fellowship (2000–2002)Townsend Prize for Fiction (2002)PEN/Faulkner Award (2005)Fellow of American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2006)

 " The Lady in the Blue-Flowered Mandarin Gown " is a magnificent novel. Chuansha worked hard to write solidly and meticulously, and every sentence is full of texture-providing new things or information. The whole novel is full of passion, romantic and simple, and has the charm of a classic novel. 

    Ha Jin: American writer, poet, member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

    " The Lady in the Blue-Flowered Mandarin Gown " is a poignant and moving drama of chaos. The story and destiny of the protagonist of the novel have always been wandering and chaotic due to war and political storms. The whole novel inherits the consistent allegorical style of Chuan Sha, and the fate of the protagonist of the novel hints at the times. If mother represents culture and father represents faith, then the protagonist's search for the true meaning of his relatives is the core decryption of this novel. 36

       Ying Hong: British writer


   "Sunshine" is a large novel. Chuan Sha wrote it passionately with a length of 400,000 words. From an artistic point of view, this work was quite successful. First, the large length of 400,000 words does not give people a sense of oppression or emptiness, which is quite difficult. The author's narration and transitions are quite smooth, and the plot is tense and powerful. Secondly, the author freely connects poetry and narrative, and the narrative sentences are full of passion and appeal. Thirdly, it shows considerable artistic skill in detail imagination and description, achieving an extremely special lyrical effect. For example, the whirring grenade about to explode that Bai Hua greatly admires has a special symbolic flavor in the dream and in the narrative. ("Sunshine" pp. 4-11.) Fourth, the symbolic and mysterious image structure gives the novel's narrative profound ideological implications. "37

     Yong-yin Li: literary critic, professor of Chinese Department of Zhejiang University 


 "Chuan Sha is an extremely strict and serious novelist. " The Lady in the Blue-Flowered Mandarin Gown " uses its grand perspective to show the protagonist's emotions and memories in the huge time and space background of history and present, China and Britain. He not only pays attention to the protagonist's history and real destiny, and depicts the secrets of the soul with its delicate and simple brushwork. It is obsessed with the memory of a special era, questioning the helplessness and accidents of life, and showing the inner and tenacious will to survive. This is the power of " The Lady in the Blue-Flowered Mandarin Gown "38

      Yong-yin Li: literary critic, professor of Chinese Department of Zhejiang University  

Chuan Sha has always paid close attention to the current reality in China, and he tried to answer the difficult question of the vacancy of contemporary faith. Among contemporary Chinese novels, "Sunshine" not only confronts history, but also thoroughly considers China's contemporary reality. It sees the root of the problem. As a novel, it is impossible to solve those spiritual problems, and no work can really be completed. However, it vividly presents such a complex inner world of Chinese people that they are Chuansha presents the pains drawn by history and reality in the sunshine, allowing us to see those marks and the light of the future more clearly. The path to salvation is not a fatalistic predetermination in foreign religions. , but unfolds in the firm choice of oneself. This is its significance today, this is the "sunshine" that must shine on the self-confidence of the new generation of Chinese people.  Chuan Sha wrote this novel out of ambition, as Mo Yan said. His structural processing of the narrative of the novel is quite bold, and the repeated interweaving of reality and history makes this work rich in historical content and far-reaching thoughts. The novel almost describes the deep political trauma in modern Chinese history, which is projected on the spirit of every Chinese person. At the moment when we face new historical choices, these wounds have not been healed. We need greater courage to face history and bear the reality and future. The details of the novel are also quite outstanding. A lot of poetry is incorporated into the narrative of the novel. It can be seen that Chuan Sha is still a pretty good poet. The poetry is consistent with the passion that always circulates in the novel, which promotes the smooth narrative of the novel, making the historical background story and the thoughts of the real characters form an inner emotional flow, and also makes this work unique in artistic expression. Stronger literary meaning. 39

 Xiao-ming Chen: literary critic, director and professor of the Chinese Department of Peking University





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