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中加国际电影节重头戏 “娱乐科技高峰论坛” 于27日举行

时间:2018-10-09 03:20:17  作者:  来源:  
导读:为期7天的第三届中加国际电影节在最后一天依旧精彩不断,作为电影节招牌板块的娱乐科技高峰论坛(Entertainment Technology Summit)于27日举行。本次的ET Summit包括以下多个部分:中加影视合作合拍讲座、嘉宾演讲、项目路演、商务洽谈以及同时进行的娱乐科技展览。..

为期7天的第三届中加国际电影节在最后一天依旧精彩不断,作为电影节招牌板块的娱乐科技高峰论坛(Entertainment Technology Summit)于27日举行。本次的ET Summit包括以下多个部分:中加影视合作合拍讲座、嘉宾演讲、项目路演、商务洽谈以及同时进行的娱乐科技展览。

The last day of 3rd edition Canada China International Film Festival was packed by various events. Entertainment Technology Summit, which is a signature section of the festival includes the following activities: Sino-Canadian film and television cooperation co-production workshop, guest speeches, project pitch, B2B, and an entertainment technology exhibitions concurrently.

Canada-China Co-production 

Resources Workshop


Location | 地点: Salon Crystal, Salles de bal Le Windsor
1170, rue Peel, Bureau 110, Montréal, Québec, H3B 4P2


首先进行的是中加影视合作合拍讲座。加拿大广电局,国家商务事务总监 Julie Morin女士与魁北克省文化影视局代表Nicole Baillargeon女士分别在讲座上发表了讲话。他们详细介绍了在魁北克合作拍片的资源优势和优惠政策。

First session is workhshop offered by Telefilm and Sodec.

Julie Morin

National Director, Business Affairs, Téléfilm

加拿大广电局,国家商务事务总监 Julie Morin女士

Nicole Baillargeon

Team Leader, Delegate to business relationships, Dir. Div. film and television production,

Pierre Paquette

Tax Credit Officer, Production Services, Financing and Tax Credit,SODEC (Cultural Enterprise Development Corporation)        魁北克省文化影视局

Entertainment Technology Summit



12:30-13:00: Registration | 签到

13:00-14:30: Talks | 演讲

Greetings | 开场致辞

本次论坛的演讲环节有幸请到了康考迪亚大学工程与计算机学院院长Amir Asif以及艺术学院院长Rebecca Duclos做开场致辞。中国电影制片人协会副主席、常务秘书长王凤麟先生做主题发言。而作为重头戏的演讲环节是由来自康考迪亚大学艺术学院、Milieux研究所和mDreams Stage 实验室的师生领起,中方VR研究院和优酷公司的负责人和加拿大方面的Connexion和RodeoFX公司共同参与。多方就美术、数字文化和信息技术的交互性和整合潜力以及在娱乐科技领域的应用等话题发表了各自的观点和想法。

After lunch, the festival's Entertainment Technology Summit officially began.

It was an honor that Amir Asif, the Dean of Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science (ENCS) and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Concordia University and Rebecca Taylor Duclos, the Dean of Faculty of Fine Arts at Concordia University gave an opening speech. Then, Fenglin Wang, the Vice President and Secretary General of China Film Producers’ Association, film producer and director of films and television shows gave a keynote speech. The main section of the summit started with the talks by the researchers and professors from Milieux Institute, Concordia University and mDreams Stage. The Chinese representatives from Inner Mongolia Virtual Reality (VR) Research Institute and Youku and Canadian representatives from Connexion Film & TV, Canada and RodeoFX also participated in this section. They expressed their views and ideas on topics such as the interaction and integration potential of art, digital culture and information technology, and the application in the field of entertainment technology.

Amir Asif  (right)

Dean of Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science (ENCS) and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Concordia University.



Rebecca Taylor Duclos (left)

Dean of Faculty of Fine Arts, Concordia University


Keynotes | 主题发言

Fenglin Wang 王凤麟

Vice President and Secretary General of China Film Producers’ Association, film producer and director of films and television shows.


Talks | 演讲

Jessie Marchessault (left)

MA Media Studies student in the Communications Studies Department at Concordia University, member of Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) research lab at Milieux Centre for the Arts, Culture and Technology.


Julia Salles (right)

Lecturer at Université de Montréal and a PhD candidate in Communication Studies at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQàM, Canada)


Bart Simon

Institute Director, Milieux Institute, Concordia University

康考迪亚大学 Milieux 研究所主任。

Serguei A. Mokhov

CCIFF Co-director, Affiliate Assistant Professor, Concordia; Co-founder of mDreams Pictures, Inc. and mDreams Stage Research and Creation Group (3D Graphics Group), Concordia University.  Technical lead on the Illimitable Space System (ISS) project and its OpenISS core. ET Summit General Chair.

联合董事、康考迪亚大学委任教授、mDreams Stage, Concordia University; mDreams Pictures, Inc. 联合创始人

 He Wei 何伟

Director of Technology, BDS Founder 技术导演, 星汉云图(原蓝数工坊)创始人

Associate dean of Inner Mongolia Virtual Reality (VR) Research Institute. Lecturer of Beijing University of Technology. Head of Immersive & Interactive Digital Research (IIDR) group. The director of “Technology of the Documentary, Do Not Miss It”. 《您一定不要错过》的技术导演。《您一定不要错过》是一部大型文献纪录片,主要讲述的是和中国电影有关的纪录片。

Leila Sujir (center)

Director, Elastic Spaces, Faculty of Fine Arts



Santiago Tavera (left)

Project Manager, Elastic Spaces Lab, Concordia University

Independent Artist and Researcher



Jorge Zavagno (right)

Offsite/Insight Forest Breath, a 360 video/audio project in Vancouver

Philippe Pelletier, MELS

加拿大 MELS 公司

Daniel Vermette, Connexion Film & TV, Canada

加拿大 Connexion 影视公司总裁

Lu Yang 芦洋

Head of Youku Film Project Center


Gisleine Silveira

Head of International Partnerships

District 3 Innovation Center


District 3 is a startup accelerator and entrepreneurial community located within Concordia University in downtown Montréal where students, alumni and academic leaders share ideas and generate new products.


Gisleine works at District 3 to build engagement, collaboration and innovation with international partners. Ultimately, to propel entrepreneurs to reach promising markets by accelerating access to knowledge, skills, markets, customers, network and the capital they need to build their international strategy, to scale up and act internationally.


14:30-15:30: Pitches 项目路演

在演讲环节结束后,论坛会进入到项目路演部分。中加双方的代表企业如RodeoFX公司、盛夏星空电影公司以及VR Tracker这样的独立科技公司和业界的知名导演、编剧和演员都会参与其中,向与会者们分享他们的作品,探讨如何以视听科技为手段,实现艺术、娱乐内容多元化价值的开发利用。

After the speech session, the project pitch began. Representatives from China and Canada, such as RodeoFX, Summer Star, and VR Tracker. They are independent technology companies and industry-leading directors, screenwriters, and actors. They shared their work with participants, discussed how to use audiovisual technology as a tool and, how to realize the values of development and utilization of diversified art and entertainment content.

 Jordan Soles

VP of Development and Technology, Rodeo FX

Mu Xiaoyong,

Film Producer, Summer Star, China


Rupert Bottenberg (right) and King-Wei Chu (left)

Fantasia Film Festival, Canada

加拿大Fantasia 电影节策划人

Yu Nini, China Film Group, China, 中影集团导演

 Jean-Luc Hébert, Saimen, 加拿大Saimen 公司

An Li, North America News, Canada


Alexandre Mao, CTO, VR Tracker, Canada

 Cici Li, Actress, Director, Screenwriter, China

 李珈西,演员, 导演, 编剧

15:30-17:00: Business Matching Meeting 商务洽谈会 (translators have been provided by Mega College)


The B2B started right after the project pitch. This year's ET Forum's B2B was still in full swing. Many Chinese and Canadian companies and industry organizations have fully discussed investment, content production and technical support in the field of entertainment technology, and have reached a number of China-Canada cooperation agreements.

Exhibition | 展览


此外,本届中加国际电影节的最后一场展览也在论坛进行的同时在Salon Crystal展开。来自中加两国的六家科技娱乐公司在本届展览中呈现了他们的作品,其中AR和VR影视技术备受瞩目,大放异彩。

In addition, the exhibition of the China-Canada International Film Festival was held at the Salon Crystal at the same time as the summit. Six technology and entertainment companies from China and Canada presented their works in this exhibition, among which AR and VR film and television technology attracted much attention.

Title | 题目: 


Start the Fantastic Shanghai Tour

Taste Elegant Connotations of China

Company | 公司: 

北京中科视维文化科技有限公司 Beijing CAS-Visual-Dimension Culture Technology Co. Ltd.

Content | 内容:

AR Shanghai Wonderland Exhibition is launched by Beijing CAS-Visual-Dimension Culture Technology Co. Ltd. Themed on the Classic of Mountains and Seas, Pear Garden and Silk Road, it aims to reflect over and transmit Chinese classical and traditional cultures. Combining reality and virtuality, this exhibition connects traditions and trends. Inheriting ingenuity and innovation, this  AR exhibition travels across thousands of years and vast oceans, opening a window for the world to appreciate the beauty of Chinese cultures.AR“山海奇境”展是北京中科视维文化科技有限公司,以“山海”、“梨园”、“丝路”作为内涵,对于中国经典传统文化所进行的感悟与传递。这次展览,用增强现实虚实融合的特性,实现了传统与潮流的摆渡,匠心与创新的传承,跨越千年时光与万里重洋,为世界徐徐推开一窥中国文化之美的窗阑。

Title | 题目: Anamorphine

Company | 公司: Artifacts 5

Content | 内容:

Explore the past as you resolve the present in Anamorphine, a surreal adventure of rendered emotions. Journey into the mind of the main character, a young man in denial. His subconscious is pushing him to face his past - or be consumed by it. 进入主角的思想,这是一场渲染情感的超现实冒险。他的潜意识正在推动他面对他的过去,或者被它消耗掉。

Title | 题目: We Happy Few and Mel’s Wake

Company | 公司: Signal Space Lab

Content | 内容:

We Happy Few is a survival tale of terrible people trying to escape from a lifetime of cheerful denial. Set in a drug-fuelled, retro futuristic city in an alternative 1960s England, you’ll have to blend in with its other inhabitants, who have their own set of not-so-normal rules.一个糟糕的人试图摆脱一生的欢快生存故事。 在另一个20世纪60年代的英格兰,一个以药物为燃料,复古的未来城市,你将不得不融入其他居民,他们有自己的一套不那么正常的规则。

Mel’s Wake is a captivating, character-driven VR experience of self-discovery that will take the viewer on a journey embodying Mel’s spirit, a recently deceased event planner.一个迷人的,以角色为主导的VR自我发现体验,将带领观众体验Mel的精神。

Title | 题目: Space Explorers

Company | 公司: Felix and Paul

Content | 内容:

Space Explorers is a VR series about the new age of space exploration, and will shine a light on mankind’s most ambitious journey to understand our planet, our universe and our origins. 太空探索者是一个关于太空探索新时代的VR系列,它将为人类探索我们的星球,宇宙和我们的起源。

Title | 题目: Illimitable Space System and OpenISS Online Creative Broadcasting

Company | 公司: mDreams Stage Research and Creation Group

Content | 内容: Creative and artistic motion capture and broadcasting using Illimitable Space System research-creation system.使用Illimitable Space System研究创建系统进行创意和艺术动作的捕捉和传播。


最后,康考迪亚大学名下的mDreams Stage Research团队也向观众展示了他们最近的研究成果。



Some of the Canadian companies also participated the B2B are:

Norman Thauvetter and Marie-Claude Beauchamp, Carpediem Film & TV Inc. (Carpediem 影视公司)

Danny Bergeron, Syon Media (Syon 媒体)

Giuliano Bossa, Film Director, Canada (《汪太》导演)

Antonello Cozolino, Attraction



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