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时间:2018-09-19 04:44:20  作者:  来源:  
导读: 3rd Canada China International Film Festival SCHEDULE | 排片表 HIGHLIGHT (以下影片主创都会到场 |Filmmakers of the following films will be at CCIFF) Ne manquez pas - 70 ans d’histoire national en Mongolie intérieure..

3rd Canada China International Film Festival








(以下影片主 |Filmmakers of the following films will be at CCIFF)https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/gjVjshbW2QGVaZhFEo7WeTcadJyX8V1KKOfLqjBdj7EQTb3_3HJTPifACI4hr9598lbcSEzvdB_MzoPM2fYfMmE0wkW4bC9lnrZ2vAg6RbwLUTgGl5VK84S99qZ8xe-FWf_JGfh8su5K_7JSCQ

Ne manquez pas - 70 ans d’histoire national en Mongolie intérieure/一定不要错过 蒙古民族70/Do Not Miss It 70 years of national films in Inner Mongolia (2018, 1h39min) 限中文字幕)

Lisi Mai/麦丽丝|Documentaire/纪录/Documentary|


Suivez Cui Yongyuan, un homme sincère, pour profiter du charme de l'histoire des films en Mongolie. 随真诚实在的崔永元奇影史镜头的魅力。Follow Cui Yongyuan, a sincere man, to enjoy the charm of the history of Inner Mongolian movies.


He Wei

Director of Technology, BDS Founder术导, (原蓝数工坊)始人

Associate dean of Inner Mongolia Virtual Reality (VR) Research Institute. Lecturer of Beijing University of Technology. Head of Immersive & Interactive Digital ResearchIIDRgroup. The director of technology of the documentary, Do Not Miss It. 一定不要错过》的技术导演。《一定不错过》是一部大型文献纪录片,主要述的是和中国电影有纪录片。

Toutefois/山无天地合/However (2017, 1h30min)
Cici Li / 李珈西
« Fans de Huanzhu », lhistoire au lycée de Han Meimei avec ses   camarades de classe et son chef enseignant.
珠迷”梅梅在高中期和小以及班主任之间发生的有趣故事。Interesting stories about Han Meimei, a high school student who is a huge fan of the TV series Princess Huanzhu, her friends, and her head teacher.https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/i1Vey3Qy23otpTHCo5XC5W9AK97-9tHa2epm5EV8xUqL43Rj15uj3-zcKGfMgECkod8swbESxWyPSyP587ctDrR_GeulhZV5vaphuOVZrWSdIVgc7O3Ohj67wBcA-LZCZ4dTKBGs3dhRfk2jow

Cici Li 李珈西 (泽清

Actress , Director, Screenwriter 演,编剧

Cici Li, Chinese actress , director, screenwriter, graduated from the Nanjing Arts Institution in 2012. She was the screenwriter, and played the leading heroine Wenro in the film, winning the Best Actress of the 2nd Golden Walnut. Cici Li’s campus youth comedy movie However in 2017 summer to meet with the audience. It is the first female director of Shanxi province. However

won qualification for a competition the "Chinese new generation" unit of the main competition of the Pingyao International Film Exhibition. 陆导演,演编剧,山西省首位院线片女性演。编剧演,主演,剪辑青春校剧电影《山无天地合》。作2017年六位华语演之一入第一遥国际电影展主竞赛"新生代"元,提名最受迎影片。


Fleur de pavot/粟花/Poppies  (2018, 19min59)https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/Zv-98kB5wplU0XAVt07ObNsRdWQllWRCkZkHxERayMKE12XdqtRfeEJDQ5Fkqh7LiK9edJsV_EGcNHmj7VFEiRviulEqrNQFGpYq7tppWfZeGbCRdS0RNTX7NurJga-mL8yEspsZhGSz2Pq70Q

Myles Yaksich
États Unis/
/United States|Anglais//English

Pendant un long vol de Shanghai à New York, un avocat américain découragé se laisse séduire par les histoires adorables d'une Chinoise sage qui assise près de lui, déchaînant des sentiments qu'il avait essayé d'enterrer profondément au cœur. 在从上海到纽约的长途飞行中,一位沮丧的美国律师被一位坐在他旁边的聪明中国女人的迷人故事所诱惑并释放出了他曾试图深深埋藏的感情。While on a long-haul flight from Shanghai to New York, a despondent, American lawyer becomes seduced by the enchanting stories of a wise, Chinese woman seated beside him; unleashing feelings he had tried to bury deep inside.


Myles Yaksichhttps://lh3.googleusercontent.com/CqLgbK82hofn1Mzjsc1d9-b8PuKlCyDJ9KjV76--fEbDkpEHp6H9WlegWfv_j7iBrXcw4gAV1AnuLHNDslkFhUP2YchkZ0gsJbBuylD0K50jJikEPkaxhHHIf1uI6Iln4bF0ylWO-clfkQTCug


Los Angeles based filmmaker, a bi-lingual (English and Mandarin). Real Estate professional based in Singapore. Currently an Investment Manager focused on real estate related projects in South East Asia and Australia, either direct equity investments or structured facilities.


Collection des dessins animés des étudiants de lUSST/上海理工大学学动画合集/USST students animation shorts collection (2018, 51min35)https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/G-X43dO9BSsRULHWVfXnOqVcIb1FT9KP2o3MMsPZmXulWOSyDeVWOD9Vsdt1NxodRJgoRzf4wyNJbSqkFeMotLpJjQnD0V28VBUcG8gmnHWAIsDmfhjtFC6w_7_hxTdgE968arIC4R6JdrWUvQ

Hongwen Zhang
Ceci est une collection courts-métrages d'animation qui a été réalisé par des étudiants de l'université polytechnique de Shanghai et inclut de l animation 2-D, 3-D, image par image. 本片是上海理工大学学生的动画短片合集,形式多,包括三、二、定格动画等。This is a collection of the students' animation shorts from the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology. The form ranges from 3D, hand-drawn 2D animation to stop-motion.


Mme Wang/ 王太/Mrs. Wang (2017, 10min15)
Giuliano Bossa
Mme Wang a immigré au Canada pour permettre à ses fils d'avoir une meilleure vie. En Chine, elle était une danseuse connue de ballet. Aujourd'hui elle est propriétaire d'un dépanneur sur la Rive-Sud de Montréal et professeure de danse traditionnelle chinoise. Au sein de ses étudiantes, elle transmet sa passion et ses rêves.
的祖,王太太是一位着名的芭蕾舞演 移民加拿大,以便子可以上更好的生活。今天,在蒙特利尔南岸有一家街角商店,并将她学到的传统舞蹈传递给她生。保持想和激情。In her native China, Mrs. Wang was a well-known ballet dancer. She immigrated to Canada so that her sons could have a better life. Today, she owns a corner store on the south shore of Montreal and passes on the traditional dances she learned on to her students. Through them, she keeps her dreams and passion alive.https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/3y2H59knMqA6CtvGdWEZshpZmxvnca7Z6G_-HxR7OiiReLbW_rZD35p6bPaPVAktB7nu2_KvBJZrrqAkRRQGq8bIyq0rX10Xaln3miUegP2hNG4Xl5HhUGLjp2KZ58CinCDOPq8pjCcA7TasMw


Giuliano Bossa

Réalisateur, caméraman et monteur de documentaires, vidéoclips et courts-métrages. J'ai touché à tout ce qui a trait à la réalisation de projets personnels ou commandés. Créatif, pragmatique et attentionné aux détails, les projets sur lesquels j'ai travaillé m'ont appris à être efficace, rapide tout en gardant une approche axée sur la qualité du produit fini.



Tueur 567/刺客567 / Killer Seven ( 2018, 14min )

Xiaofeng He /何小


Sur une île, il y a un assassin qui a du talent pour le déguisement qui se nomme Wu Liuqi. Il se déguise souvent en coiffeur, car il aime ce métier et utilise bien les ciseaux, qui est aussi son arme. Étant un nouvel assassin, il gagne peu et reçoit souvent des missions étranges... 在某上,有一可以装成任何西的廉价刺客叫伍六七。他平看上去是发师,其背地里却做着刺客生意。他热爱,喜欢给人剪头发,善用剪刀——剪刀也是他的刺武器。由于初入刺客行,行情十分廉价,因此接到的都是些奇葩的刺...On a island, there is an assassin who is talented in disguises named Wu Liuqi. He usually disguises himself as a hairdresser, because he likes the job and is good at using scissors, which is also his weapon. Since he is a new assassin, he does not earn much money, and he often receives weird missions


Bon cop, bad cop 2 | 好警察坏警察 2 (2017, 1h27min)

Alain Desrochers 艾朗·德罗谢 |Action, Comedy|作,喜
Canada/加拿大/Canada|Anglais, français/
、法/English, French

Au début du film, David Bouchard (Patrick Huard) s'enfuit à bord d'une voiture luxueuse qu'il vient de voler dans un stationnement. Bien qu'il soit poursuivi par deux automobilistes, il rejoint discrètement un garage clandestin, où la voiture sera modifiée. 加拿大皇家丁·沃德和大·布沙尔距离上次美加境大作,已经过去了八年。次,两个老活需要覆的是,美清真寺集体挨炸行Following the events of the first film, Martin Ward (Feore) and David Bouchard (Huard) remained friends but have gradually grown apart as their lives and careers have taken them in different directions


Alain Desrochers 艾朗·德罗谢https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-cVs2e7WO0-p8CqjgoMEAG0tqKKt2ZVGZCvkhr5ypbxl0wjc4xjUnP4ijVXuJvgQ66GLGE-JdxD0Yq8mQfegcwf-1NSVXXeCnvV59WlXpcDqXCo3M7lrgh6UC4YFs_e8h7lueD4pbKY9aBDtwg

Bon Cop, Bad Cop 2

Director; Canadian Film Director, screenwriter; CCIFF Ambassador

His first feature film La Bouteille (2000) earned him a nomination for the Genie Award for Best Achievement in Direction. Mr. Desrochers is also well known for his most recent work, Bon Cop Bad Cop 2 (2017), that became the highest-grossing film ever in Quebec and received a Canadian Screen Awards nomination. He was also invited as guest speaker at the International Technology Forum of the Beijing International Film Festival (BJIFF). 艾朗·德罗谢是加拿大著名影人、编剧演。他凭借第一部影片《子》得加拿大吉尼最佳提名。其中著名影片《好警察坏警察2得了突破性的成功成魁北克史上最高票房影片得到加拿影视奖提名。在第八北京国际电节电影科技国际论坛,他作受邀嘉宾发表了演

Le maître du danse du lion//THE MASTER OF LION DANCE (2018, 1h27min)https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/dS5quIP_uwZ8DYk-C8wEbQDg5vqPhdE9CRnRWbTYaQsuw2ePXS9mKG2T9_wtN1o4bIMRY4DgfkihNDHLDgrroAnyEArIA5GpeIst1k46anG8Z2ip3LZXJYAnheca6Hi8I2vMWKWLNz-HzqV4fQ

Nini Yu/妮妮|Drame//Drama|

Le film "le lion le père raconte lhistoire dun garçon ignorant Yao Qiang qui a rencontré le maître Xin Daoquan et est devenu finalement un jeune homme digne et honnête en absorbant lesprit de danse de lion. Il a pu transmettre cet héritage culturel. 影《父》述了一位不的男孩姚强遇到了父辛道全,其“以德武,以武艺狮”的舞精神改姚强成了正直少年,以此弘扬优秀文化的承。The film THE MASTER OF LION DANCE tells how Yao Qiang meets master Xin Daoquan, comprehends the spirit of lion dancing, and finally grows from a good-for-nothing boy to a decent youth who carries forward the inheritance of the culture of lion dance.


Yu Nini 妮妮


Graduated from the Directing Department of Beijing Film Academy. China Film Limited by Share Ltd sign director. Founder of Darnell International Film (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Directed works include "lion father", "dream", "love wishing bottle" and so on. 毕业于北京演系。中国电影股有限公司签约导.尼尔国际(北京)有限公司始人.执导作品有《父》《圆梦》《》等


Wang Xinyu


Wang Xinyu, 14, was born in Guangdong, a senior student. Foshan Tang Dynasty prosperous World Culture Development Co., Ltd. signed a small actor, the movie "Lion Father" supporting actress, participated in many film and television plays, recorded "Children's Palace", "We graduated" and other songs, hosted many television programs, He has won several titles in Guangdong Wushu Competition. 雨,14,生于广,高一生。 佛山市唐朝盛世文化展有限公司签约小演影《父》女配角,多部影视剧制了《少年》《我们毕业了》等歌曲,主持多场电视节目,曾荣获广省武


Wen Muxi 文一婷

Executive Producer 行制片人

Take a part in film The Master of Lion Dance. Responsible for assisting company's project operation and planning. Darnell International Pictures(BeiJing)Co.LTD. 参与摄电影《父》,担任行制片工作。负责协助公司各运营、策等工作。尼尔国际(北京)有限公司。

Je te sens/ /Feeling you (1h28min36)https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/32yER2YlmjxWF0aENicdqrKXx_NUVKdOhiqemYxvZwTKVgYHPturqLSiu0uAIthmPtB2aipUx2xGrQFycYYfB-4alWcEF8Mj0gHHi3jLfeK0899gPTTWYJst1b6DDDOTxt4nw_kAFVnyrAftMg

Yuez Zeng

Le film raconte lhistoire dun homme et une femme de deux espaces et deux temps différents. Grâce à des forces mystérieuses, ils sont interconnectés, ils partagent des sens de touche et de son dans une histoire romantique qui traverse lespace et le temps.
两个不同空的男女主人公,通神秘的心,共享听触觉的跨越空的奇幻情故事。Thanks to the mysterious power of telepathy, a man and a woman from two time periods can share their sense of hearing and touch. Thus a love story begins.


Zeng Yuez 粤紫

Director, CEO of BEIJING EXCITING MEDIA CO.,LTD, XF PICTURES LTD. (NING BO) ,北京兴奋文化媒有限公司,兴奋(宁波)有限公司总经

Yuez Zeng, a new and vigorous female 90s director of China, graduated from Beijing Film Academy, and is the director of a film thinking, writing thinking and editing thinking.  She likes to break through and innovate, and like to constantly explore interesting and novel expression of film. 粤紫是中90后的新演,北京毕业,是具有制片思编剧,剪演。突破和新,喜探索有趣新影表方式。首部影《未》入全球国际电并获得不同奖项


Chute de neige/雪葬/Snowfall  (2017, 1h45min)

Chenggang Gao/ 高成

Sous contexte de la période de transition à la campagne chinoise, ce film reconstitue les histoires ayant lieu à cette époque qui méritent d’être soulignées. 期的中国农背景,原那年代所生的得推敲的故事Set amidst the backdrop of rural China during the transition period, these guiding examples allude to a series of stories worthy of our attention that occurred during that era.


Geek Girls | 客女孩 ( 2017, 1h23min )

Gino Vincelli

Geek Girls dévoile le monde caché de la moitié féminine de la culture nerd. Un monde de jolies robes, de gameuses professionnelles, de pseudonymes et de menaces de mort. When filmmaker Gina Hara sets out to explore the hidden half of nerd culture, she struggles through unexpected resistance. Welcome to the world of cute dresses, professional gamers, fake names and death threats.客女孩》通意外阻力探索宅文化不人知的一面。这个奇装服、职业玩家、假身份与死亡威的世界!

Gina Harahttps://lh5.googleusercontent.com/7sonzFZ6VhfE9lZRoMHiB5uy6DeJJ3wMJYhe0TfVOT9M51h26wLTSlsmgoxLTC7V_zP7s9H3WiJQMlGYdcZT1wwndZwWe5J_BYhPysLmCE0PsTJAyohVcbVf6l3cJtEXvoIgC_zl2A9ZngZ0xQ

Gina Hara was born in Budapest, Hungary. She is an acclaimed filmmaker and artist with a background in art & technology, interested in the experimental aspects and transmedial forms of visual culture. She holds an MA in intermedia, an MFA in film production and had worked in different media with regard to film, video, new media, gaming and design.

Le Sorgho Rouge/高粱/Red Sorghum (1988, 1h31min48)https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/Bm6gzrOxmE6s5lTj5podumqshn4YRipJ5Jmln4VfsViX98vd9D5sXjDWmhfV6XWuOIb39slD1iPpBW6gGw9h-bhtz6xthii5ZJX_Ye19uUiWRoU_arKh_8COTkpmVtZq7RqMCyDR0Gwbrwss3Q

Yimou Zhang/张艺谋


L'histoire se passe à la fin des années 1930 pendant la seconde guerre sino-japonaise, dans un village du Shandong, au nord-est de la Chine. 影片的背景是民国时期的山高密,男女主人公历经曲折后一起经营一家高梁酒坊,但是在日侵略战争中,除男主人公(姜文扮演)及幼子外,女主人公和酒坊伙计均因参与抵抗运动被日军杀害。Red Sorghum is a 1988 Chinese film about a young woman's life working on a distillery for sorghum liquor. It is based on the novel Red Sorghum Clan by Nobel laureate Mo Yan.

张艺谋和他的 “影”/Zhang Yimous Shadow (2018
Peng Wang/

Ce documentaire parle du film "Ombre" de Zhang Yimou. Il révèle à quel point le personnel a travaillé sous pression face aux défis de la réalisation du film. Il reflète l'esprit d'artisanat des cinéastes chinois actuels. 片是张艺谋电影《影》的纪录片,各工的工作人入手,述他战时力和不懈努力。以小大,感受中国当影人的匠人精神。This documentary is about Zhang Yimou's film "Shadow", It reveals how hard the staff worked under pressure in the face of challenges to make the film. It reflects the spirit of craftsmanship in the current Chinese filmmakers.


Mu Xiaoyong 穆小勇  https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/aFoenO9S-zv5yBX8CzwjdbQBrY8w0zOB0B4D0JrsdGvizb8Nb-nwOEn-r1PWI2vB7skf09ssj2e0eov0zi4cgMaQznU4ibg_wmn9MJ7iQUf9X8tvW263o6Ty8_HiWFSrYLfr6VLPDqdi1e0DHw

Film Producer 制片人

Producer of Zhang Yimou’s “Shadow”

. Chief Operational Officer at Beijing Summer Star Media Co.Ltd. 金牌经纪人、影制片人及影人,任中加节执行副主席。者出身,以经纪人奠定自己在行的牢固基怀情的理想主者。累业经验形成到的博弈原放的心UPDATE自己的技能,踏和放飞两的影人。创办盛夏星空影视传媒有限公司COO。《张艺谋与他的“影”》制片人。


Perdus dans lapocalypse/末世人/Lost in Apocalypse  (2018, 1h29min46)
Sky Wang
Un groupe d'individus apparemment sans rapport fraient un chemin pour sortir de lhôtel infesté de virus, mais seulement pour se trouver à un endroit pire quavant. 主人公在酒店突然遭遇病毒疫情,被病毒控制的人失去意狂的咬噬健康的人些逃离酒店,前往看似安全的基地。A group of seemingly unrelated individuals fights to get out of a virus-infested hotel, only to find themselves at a worse place than before.


Sky Wang 王天尉 https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/sneaA-FDcRmrF-cEW5X7RWNzERFWouSMW2fqeX0vvI1kJ1Z3F1AtXa-ZhzCOXvvilwQ53oIosVmYYMkOW7UmuU8mEOpxFLpadrKF4s-P2Zrw9OcrvaT1TK_z1kqodBpVqy9fkG0lvebKIHFg8Q

Director, Screenwriter 演,编剧

Sky Wang, Chinese American writer/directorrepped by CAA. Graduated from Columbia College Chicago with a film degree, and during the time of his studies, Sky directed numerous shorts and received many festival accolades. 王天尉,美籍人,CAA签约导演。参与过众国内外影视项目,常担任演或改


Déracinées/根拔起/Uprooted  (2016, 13min01)https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/Tq7VV5ezySzPK4SwX_l58K_wR-WJHay-obnMvy3AqW0SmhCD6Gx7E_sSaIYKA9XFW79UpCazAE-ktJJUGDjYXHeXlzK2UlwwPM4bIuEBze4uXVQcW_IWdyMxGUZHwNHjZ53yNqJD4T2Omw5CrA

Yang Zhang|


Quatre jeunes femmes partagent leurs expériences en tant qu'immigrantes adolescentes et comment ce déracinement a transformé leur identité. 四名年人分享花季时随家庭移民的经历,被根拔起后如何重建自己Four young women share their stories as teenage immigrants: how a drastic uprooting in their formative years reshaped their identity.


Cest moi/是我/Its Me  (2017, 27min04)
Ting Li/ 李婷
TingTing, l'enfant laissée en zone rurale entre soudainement dans la vie de Xinghua, un provincial qui vit à Beijing, les deux personnes commencent la nouvelle vie. 留守
童婷婷突然入北漂兴华的生活,父女始前所未有的生活Left behind child, Ting Ting, suddenly breaks into Xinghuas life in Beijing; the two begin to live an unprecedented life.

Ouvrir la porte/ 开门/Across(2018, 40min01)https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/Cj9wEXmRWSij-XS_ayUSNGppAlRtDZF8fdmxn-qfr3-s4v9VB5IgjCufGEgxZIGRYkNs6xx3OIArEeP2HLXhs8ZEh4lCWKqyEbLE1GD7XE4ZOFt7TgS2JgqGKlgGq2rYBCqwWfFxsc-W4-yPgw

Jingjing Yi/

Qiao Mai, une fille perdue dans sa vie, a trouvé que sa main droite peut l'amener à un autre monde chaque fois qu'elle ouvre la porte. Elle commence à s’échapper de sa vie, mais tout cela est-il vrai?乔麦,一找不到存在的意的女孩,在发现自己的右手能带她去到“另一”后,始使用这个能力逃避生活,但生的一切都是真实Qiao Mai, a girl who can't find meaning in life, has discovered that her right hand is magic; it can bring her to another world. She uses this ability to escape from life. But is it real?


Sticks and Straw    ( 2018, 3min09 )

Gino Vincelli

Une sorcière mécontente tente de lancer des sortilèges à un propriétaire de magasin de réparation de balais sans scrupules qui essaie de l'escroquer quand elle lui apporte son balai défectueux.  怀的女巫试图诅咒肆无忌帚修理店老板,不知道当她带给他有缺陷的也正试图骗她A disgruntled witch attempts to curse an unscrupulous broom repair shop owner who tries to swindle her when she brings him her defective broom.


Gino Vincelli

President of Incub CG, NAD ; Professor of animation 3D

NAD / Université du Québec à Chicoutimi


Réaliser un rêve/圆梦/Realize one's dream (2016, 20min)

Nini Yu/妮妮|Drame//Drama|


L'histoire se passe dans un village suspendu avec une histoire de 600 ans. Traversant le temps, lintrigue du film est réalisée par la vision du fils Wang Mengyuan qui raconte une histoire touchante et affective. 本片故事生在一个拥有六百年悠久史的空古村落,情穿越材,以子王梦圆的主观视述了一段穿前世今生后世的感人至深的故事。In a suspended village which has a long history of six hundred years, Wang Mengyuan tells a touching story about the affection between family members.


Yu Nini 妮妮


Graduated from the Directing Department of Beijing Film Academy. China Film Limited by Share Ltd sign director. Founder of Darnell International Film (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Directed works include "lion father", "dream", "love wishing bottle" and so on. 毕业于北京演系。中国电影股有限公司签约导.尼尔国际(北京)有限公司始人.执导作品有《父》《圆梦》《》等


Cici Li 李珈西 (泽清

Actress , Director, Screenwriter 演,编剧

Cici Li, Chinese actress , director, screenwriter, graduated from the Nanjing Arts Institution in 2012. She was the screenwriter, and played the leading heroine Wenro in the film, winning the Best Actress of the 2nd Golden Walnut. Cici Li’s campus youth comedy movie However in 2017 summer to meet with the audience. She is the first female director of Shanxi province. However

won qualification for a competition the "Chinese new generation" unit of the main competition of the Pingyao International Film Exhibition. 陆导演,演编剧,山西省首位院线片女性演。编剧演,主演,剪辑青春校剧电影《山无天地合》。作2017年六位华语演之一入第一遥国际电影展主竞赛"新生代"元,提名最受迎影片。


汪羲茹 Wang Yiru
Investor, Actress
Graduated from Performance Institute of Beijing Film Academy.
参与的影作品:.烈日炎炎, 脂雪, 圆梦, 岁岁年年柿柿红


A Moonless Night: Boat People, 40 years later    ( 20161h24min )

Director: Marie-Hélène Panisset


It is about the end of the Vietnam war and the exodus of Vietnamese refugees staying in camps and immigrating Canada.


Thi Be Nguyen

Executive producer 行制片人


Canadian philanthropist, social entrepreneur, executive producer, documentarian and communication advisor. Nguyen was nominated TOP 20 personalities of diversity in Quebec in 2016 for her philanthropic work. She was also titled Ambassador of diversity at National Bank of Canada.


明天有多/How Far is Tomorrow (2018. 1h20min)

Jingsong Wang/


Lhistoire raconte comment la drogue a dévasté la famille et la vie de Yulan Weng. Yulan a été droguée délibérément lors dune sortie entre amis, ce qui a complètement changé sa vie. Cest ainsi quelle vit à tout jamais dans le regret et dans la confession. 本故事只是通家庭背景,述女主人翁于本有一幸福快的家庭,然而在一次玩乐时,有人精心安排让她食用了毒品,此改的一生,沉迷在毒品世界里的无法自拔,最终让她失去了自我,失去了往日幸福的家庭,当她真正醒悟一切都了,能留给她的只有心的悔和无法挽回的局… This story shows how drugs devastated the family life of Yulan. Yulan was drugged when she went out with her friends. Then she got addicted and lost herself without realizing the loss of her family. Sadly, she was left with endless regrets and confession.


Xu Wenshuang 徐文爽

Producer 制片人

Xu Wenshuang is the producer of the film "How Far is Tomorrow

", SICHUAN HAOYUE Culture Development Co., Ltd. Deputy Secretary General of the Pan Pacific International Youth Film Festival (Brisbane). Film and TV industry experience of 5 years, the main experience of cinema film production, network drama production, distribution work. 徐文爽是影《明天有多》制片人,四川月文化展有限公司董事。泛太平洋(布里斯班)国际青副秘书长。影业经验5年,主要工作经验线电影制作,网络剧制作、行工作。


Le mouton perdu//The Missing Sheep (2016, 1h28min)

Xiaoping Wang/

Un village au nord-ouest ou un berger qui sappelle Zhang Yonghong, a perdu 4 agneaux, après lhistoire a commencé.....在西北山村,牧羊人红丢了他打算掉的四只羊,然后故事就生了。In the Northwest Mountain Village, shepherd Zhang Yonghong lost 4 of the sheep that he was going to sell. Then the story happenedhttps://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-j_7QfgksSFml05HFLCxdMsHROicPbEcqDDuboHPIBgvwLM78DC08cchICw1Rl9Swu6L5qWLhyZRhlE6fkSZuUfh0i61EaCArKqL-pwTpb6s1jzLCn7QOFRjNKiEYSg_auxUHr-p9GV7rgNhMQ

Je veux te voir là/潮流前访/Ill Meet You Back Then (2018, 52min45)
Mengyuan Xue/
Il a pillé 71 avions, sauté au-dessus de 16753 kilomètres. Il a essayé de remonter le temps, le passé. Tout ça, juste pour revenir au moment, sa première rencontre avecelle. 他打劫71
机,飞跃16753公里,逆向生活6114天,只为与她再次初遇。He hijacked 71 airplanes, flew 16753 kilometers, lived against the current of time for 6114 days, just so he could meet her for the first time, again.https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/hzglT-j5TQaBvWWvTRSalBOUgiKQBc17xZO-A1s52trCxFOY-oK-qD5YdSLjRGqPzrgfVpphoyizkQxDbJ1N0KfICJlm-TRzdaYuUo4vsQlbGtX84ClNF_fhy7DGgMQx-cf--V8ekUzSvJJZGQ

Xue Mengyuan 薛濛

Director, Screenwriter 演,编剧

Meryl Xue is the writer-director of I'll Meet You Back Then

. She teaches in the Animation Department of Shanghai University of Science and Technology. She got her BFA at University of Toronto. She has published several ovels in Chinese, and her short story PM 7:14; Mailbox 208; Ching has appeared in American letters & Commentary.《溯流前访客》编剧演,上海理工大学动画教师毕业于多多大。曾出版中文小说数本,英文小表于American letters & Commentary


Le mur sur le cœur/ 垂直 / Wall on heart    ( 20181h36min )

Weiping Zhang/

Inspirée par le rêve de son élève, le désir d'une femme architecte a été allumé et sa relation avec son élève devient hors de contrôle alors qu'ils étudient et conçoivent ensemble. C'est une histoire sur «l'émotion initiée par l'architecture ». 受到想的启发,女性建筑的愿望已被点燃,她与学生的系在他一起学习设计时变得越越失控。 是一个关于“建筑引起的情感”的故事。A repressed woman architects desire inspired by her students dream leads their relationship growing with the spatial study and design, however, the result is out of their controla story about emotion ignited by architecture.


张为 Zhang Weiping

Director, Script Writter, Architect. The founder of Studio IFUP.演、编剧、建筑"都市可能念工" 始人。

After getting the Msc degree in Architecture, he studied film directing in BFA.

He has published several books such as  Invisible Logic, and keeps doing

research of the connection of architecture and film. His script work Edge of Suspect was selected in the 10th Xining First Film Festival. And in 2017 he directed the movie Wall on Heart

, and was selected in CCIFF 2018. This film has won the "Best Feature Film Prize" of Melborne Independent Film Festival.  究生毕业于荷代尔夫特理工大筑系,后于北京专业。曾出版《逻辑》、《现实乌托邦》等专业书籍。致力于建筑和合在一起的究。编剧作品《白雾谜案》入2016年西宁First年影展元。演作品《垂直》入中加国际电节竞赛单元。并获得墨尔本最佳情片




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